Saturday night & my blood is jumping ups & down asusual i need some alcohol to relax,i need a break for a tiring day every single day...i have a lot of activities & i can't handle it anymore i pitty my body sometimes, im a very hyper active person but im just a human i still have some weakness or maybe im just getting old lol!!!!

Here i come stop-over for some pics since i had deleted my pics accidentally for the previous happenings in my life....so sad i love pics so much & to think that i can't repeat any scenes of that anymore...
Dress: Osmose
Hyperzone last day at uncle chilis its a filipino band who can do the perfect shake for their body never seen any band dancing like them...featuring start from ur leftside Jennifer sexy babe,My Goodself,Julia & Cute Maya ohoh!!! Maya is high like a kite
Wooow i look so gorgeous in here hehe!!! Maya will miss you ehem...i gave my necklace to her as a souvenir, i think it looks better w/o accesories on my neck don't ya....
Yipiii so here is my baby loving fiance showing his love heheh! he's still anonymous until we get married....

this is a must to pass the medication they give some free energy before going inside chilis
injection c/w VODKA i don't know mixed with what i don't care...i look so funny yaayks...
Free "Energy Syringe" to the first 100 people through the door before 10:30 pmDr.Pizzicato is that you????Dr.i am sick give my drink very quick...
The most sexiest nurse i've ever seen she's super hot hot potato
Here i come stop-over for some pics since i had deleted my pics accidentally for the previous happenings in my life....so sad i love pics so much & to think that i can't repeat any scenes of that anymore...
Shoes: Guess
Watch: Gucci
Accesories: Need to recall the name of the shop
So this the new Filipino band who will replace HyperZone i forgot what's the band's name but all of them are hot & spicy ....i like the way they move !!!!
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